Trinity Chiropractic offers Knee Decompression Therapy. Many people have complaints of pain in their legs or knees. If this knee pain was not caused by a direct injury (such as a fall or sports injury) then it is often a result of joint misalignments at the knees, spine, or feet. Postural misalignments, repetitive movements, or fallen arches of the feet can all play a role in developing knee pain over time.
Knee Decompression Therapy is an excellent solution without drugs and medicines, needles and injections, or surgery to help reduce pain and improve motion of the knees.
One study concluded that knee joint traction therapy was effective in improving pain, physical function, and depression (associated with knee pain) in patients with degenerative arthritis.1
The knee is made up of three main bones: the femur (thigh bone), the tibia (shin bone), and the patella (kneecap). Articular cartilage covers the joints where these three bones meet. Articular cartilage is a very strong, slippery, and flexible material that allows the bones to glide smoothly as the joint moves and cushions the bones from impact against each other. There are two menisci in each knee – a lateral meniscus located at the outer part of the knee and a medial meniscus located at the inner part of the knee.
A meniscus in the knee is a thick pad of cartilage that acts as a shock absorber for the joint. There are also very large and strong ligaments holding the joint together and tendon insertions at the knee joint for the muscles to move it. The entire knee joint is encapsulated by the synovium or synovial lining. The synovium allows all of the internal parts of the knee joint to interact with each other in a structurally and functionally sound manner.
Synovium is filled with synovial fluid which is a highly nutrient rich fluid that lubricates all parts of the knee to keep the joint moving well (just like oil in the engine of your car).
This is where Knee Decompression Therapy can help!
Knee pain can arise from acute injuries, chronic degenerative problems, or repetitive stress (such as problems from the feet, spinal alignment, or posture). All of these conditions can result in either inflaming the synovial fluid or causing it to dry up. The synovial fluid is generated from the diffusion of blood plasma into the joint space and consists of hyaluronic acid, glycoproteins, enzymes, and prostaglandins (which help with the body’s inflammatory response).
Trinity Chiropractic offers Knee Decompression Therapy to gently open compressed, compromised, or degenerative knee joints which helps to draw more synovial fluid into the joint to aid the healing process and improve the quality of lubrication in the joint.
Knee Decompression Therapy at Trinity Chiropractic is performed on our Pettibon Spinal Rejuvenation Treatment (SRT) Table with the special foot harness adapter. Patients lay on their back with their affected knee(s) supported with a pillow. The ankles are secured in the special foot harness while the table is slightly elevated on a tilt.
Whole body vibration is applied during this therapy to reduce tension of the surrounding muscles and tendons to achieve the optimal decompressive effect possible.
The table top that the patient is laying on slides in a controlled manner to produce the decompressive effect on the knee. The therapy is always set to patient comfort and progressed at a pace suitable for each individual patient. Treatment on the Knee Decompression Therapy lasts 10 minutes and multiple sessions are usually necessary. Keep in mind that this therapy is likely part of a larger treatment plan including chiropractic adjustments, supplementation, and/or other rehab procedures as recommended by the doctor.
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